Cargo insurance involves the loss of
The loss of the transport of goods by sea is also called a general average refers to the process of shipping goods by sea because of the risk of losses, loss also includes the land associated with the sea and inland waterway transport in the process of loss of goods.
Lost at sea by the extent of the loss can be divided into total loss and partial loss.
A. total loss
Total loss also known as a total loss, saying that all of the goods insured losses, there is an actual total loss and the constructive total loss distinction. Actual Total Loss refers to the total loss of the goods, or completely changed and no longer has any commercial value. Constructive Total Loss refers to the risks of goods being damaged, although the extent of below the actual total loss, but the actual total loss is inevitable, or the actual total loss in order to avoid paying the costs and continue to the goods delivered for the cost of day is greater than the insured value. Constructive total loss subject to the insurer has verified that.
B. part of the loss
Does not belong to the actual total loss, constructive total loss and the loss of part of the loss. In accordance with the reasons for losses can be divided into general average and particular average.
In the marine transit, ship, cargo or other property, a common risk faced, in order to lift the common risk who wish to take reasonable measures to rescue the direct result of the extraordinary sacrifice and pay a special fee, called general average. Place in the ship after the general average, the right within the framework of general average sacrifices and expenses, can be counted through the general average intelligence, were rescued by the beneficiary (ie, ship, cargo and freight revenue side) prorated according to the value of the rescued, Then back to their respective claims for insurers. Co-contribution in general average more complex factors involved, the general average adjusters are specialized institutions adjustment
Does not have a general average nature of the giant failed to meet the total loss level of loss, known as a particular average. The loss relates only to the ship or the cargo owner unilateral loss of profits.
In accordance with insurance regulations, no matter what kind of guarantee insurance, as a result of perils of the sea all the losses and general average are the insurer's coverage. For the constructive total loss situation, since the goods had not been fully lost, the insured person can choose according to the total loss or as part of the losses. If the total loss according to treatment, were submitted by insurers, the insurer shall 'notice of abandonment. "Ownership of the subject matter of the remnants of the delivery of the insurer by the insurer accepted, according to the total loss will be compensated.
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