Customs cargo monitoring system
The basic task of the customs cargo control is based on "and the national import and export policies, laws, regulations, monitoring the legal access of goods and means of transport, inspect and deal with illegal imports, smuggling, tax evasion and other illegal activities.
Supervision of the customs import and export of goods is based on: import and export of goods, income, the consignor (or agents) fill in "as well as the issue of trade and economic administrative departments of" import and export permits, "or the approval of relevant authorities, as well as the normal file business documents.
Customs accept the declaration, inspection, taxation and release system is a basic system for monitoring the goods.
Declaration refers to goods, means of transport and goods owner or his agent in the goods, means of transport, goods entry and exit, to the Customs and Excise Department was required to pay customs documentation procedures.
Inspection, this means accepting the customs declaration, with its legal documents have been reviewed, based on the customs control areas on the import or export of goods for the actual checking and inspection, to determine the legality of the import and export of goods, as well as the brand name goods , quantity and specification of whether the declaration set out in the same card.
Import and export goods, in addition to approval of the Customs-free inspection of the outside, should accept the customs inspection. Checking import and export goods, customs regulations should be the time and places. If the customs in the customs control areas outside the inspection should be submitted to Customs prior consent of fees collected by customs regulations.
The customs inspection of goods, the import and export of goods receipt or his agent should be the scene in accordance with the requirements of Customs and Excise Department is responsible for moving goods, opening and re-sealing the packaging of goods, etc.; the Customs deems necessary, you can track line opened for inspection or re-inspection extracted samples.
Release, that is, the customs of goods, means of transport, goods inspection, the documents signed in the print release, or release of Notification issued to indicate the end of the Customs Authority.
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