What are the contents of packages identification
Export packaging performance testing and the use of identification by the identification of the composition.
(1) Performance Test:
Packaging container production enterprises in the self qualified, based on the location of entry-exit inspection and quarantine agencies to make performance test application, in addition to providing "factory inspection results of a single" foreign; for non-packaging of dangerous goods must fill out the "export packaging performance test application Single "; of dangerous goods, packaging, shall fill out the" export of dangerous goods containers performance test application form. " Entry-exit inspection and quarantine authorities accept the application, sent to the enterprises according to relevant standards for taking samples in the test chamber (the) performance test of packaging containers. Have passed the test for non-dangerous goods containers for issuance of "export packaging performance test pass a single"; of dangerous goods containers for issuance of "sea (air) export of dangerous goods containers performance of the test results alone." Each passing inspection non-hazardous goods containers should be cast on the Indian state under the strong, clear markings (Figure 1); each of the upper containers of dangerous goods to be cast, the United Nations under the Indian firm, clear markings (Figure 2) .
Entry-exit inspection and quarantine institutions for non-dangerous goods containers implementation of the cycle of inspection and testing Pipi combination of approaches; of dangerous goods containers implementation cycle testing, the cycle was divided into 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 3 a grade.
(2) The use of identification:
Manufacturer of dangerous goods should be correct and rational use of packaging, in the self-test on the basis of qualified entry-exit inspection and quarantine institutions to the local (air air operations should have entry-exit inspection and quarantine institutions airport is located) for the use of identification of application and provide: "Shipping (Air) export of dangerous goods containers performance test results of a single" original "sea (air) export of dangerous goods containers to use the results of a single identification of plant inspection," Carriage of Dangerous Goods In addition to the above two documents, they also need to provide " of Dangerous Goods Safety Data Sheet "(MSDS) and the airport confirmed that the" Shippers Declaration of Dangerous Goods ", fill out the" Shipping (Air) export of dangerous goods containers used to apply a single identification. " Entry-exit inspection and quarantine authorities accept the application, sent to the enterprise according to relevant criteria applied for identification of dangerous goods, accredited, the issue of "sea (air) export of dangerous goods containers to use a single identification result."
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