Investment in the scale of overseas investment this year will increase by about ninefold
China Investment Corporation (CIC) Vice Chairman and Managing Director Mr. Gao said that in view there are signs that the global economy has bottomed out, so the scale of overseas investment this year, the cast will be about nine times higher than last year.
According to Asahi Shimbun in an interview published Thursday, Gao also told reporters that because of Japan's economy is expected to be warmed up, so he is actively view the Japanese companies and real estate aspects of the new investment opportunities.
Gao said the vote in the scale of overseas investment this year will increase by about nine times, is expected to amount to several billions of dollars. Last year, subject to a wide range of financial crisis, China and reduce the scale of investment and overseas investment to 48 billion U.S. dollars.
When asked whether the Chinese government's foreign exchange reserves from the two trillion U.S. dollars transferred more to the vote, the high-Xiqing saying it depends on the Government's decision and therefore can not answer the question.
The cast was founded in September 2007, manages up to 2,000 billion U.S. dollars in foreign currency reserve assets, the scale is currently ranked first in the world.
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